Wake me up when September ends
I fear I have devolved into just an occasional blogger. It's been a busy three weeks since my last post. I've been working a lot, not only at the newspaper but also with some freelance editing (more on that in another post). School resumed. Eldest's soccer began. The month has just zipped by without a good explanation. That's a good thing (again, for another post), I just wish I was more productive and wasn't so tired. October is not going to be quite as busy, thankfully; I really only have one bad work week (as opposed to four out of the last five). We're going to Moab in a few weeks, which will break things up nicely. And after we get back ... alas, that's for that other future post. A couple months ago I blogged about something big coming and how I didn't want to jinx it. Well, it's still on track and I still don't want to jinx it. You'll just have to wait. In the meantime, it will be October very shortly. Though I want the days to peel of...