A quarter-century

"I can't remember when you weren't there ..." OK, maybe starting a blog post with a Kenny Rogers lyric is a little questionable, especially considering he's been married five times. But that line sums up perfectly what I'm thinking about today, the 25th anniversary of the day Lori and I first met. We were living in Milwaukee and had talked on the phone a few times but hadn't met in person. I worked all day, I think I watched the Bulls playoff game, and I gave her a call. We decided to meet spur of the moment that night, and I drove my little Honda Civic hatchback to Wauwatosa to the Chancery, where we could talk at their relatively quiet bar over a couple drinks. I'll never forget the first moment I saw Lori -- her smile, her blue eyes, what she was wearing (a black jacket over a white T-shirt and jeans), and that she was as tall as she said she was. She didn't mind that I kept glancing up at the TV to see how the Lakers-Suns game was goin...