Back on the hillside ...

Every summer solstice (or around the solstice if something got in the way), since 2007 , I've come to a hillside at Donner Park to watch the gorgeous sunset, listen to "Sister Golden Hair" by America, and write about the year that just passed. I got here tonight to find ... sprinklers running! I found a bench, but it was underneath a blooming tree and the bumblebees were loud and ominous. I found a dry spot on the hillside ... but now I'm suddenly paranoid about rattlesnakes (they have been low on the mountain benches this summer). So I might skip America on headphones and just play it on my computer as I type. Last year I lamented how the previous year had been a blur. Compared with this last year, that complaint was nothing, because it's gone beyond blur to whirlwind. The last five years have been the fastest of my life, and there's nothing I can do to slow it down. I made it through another year, and it was a good year, watching the boys grow, being r...