Summer 2024: Days 64-72

Normally -- at least I think normally -- when I'm blogging summer and on vacation, I am good at updating every day on the trip. In 2024, that hasn't been the case so much ... Benji and I have been in the Midwest for more than a week, but this is the first recap of the trip, and I'm trying to squeeze nine days of stuff into one post. Take a deep breath and follow along with me: We arrived on a Friday via Allegiant through Provo, and the flight was delayed after a computer on the plane was getting an error message. My dad picked us up from Midway, and through a lot of traffic we made it to SuperDawg. I was exhausted (I didn't sleep well the night before) and took too long a nap, but woke up and took Ben to Barnaby's for thin-crust pizza. Drove to Three Lakes to visit Lori's family, stopped Kopp's along the way (a lot of could-have-been-healthier eating will highlight this trip). Ben and I waded into Maple Lake -- damn those little fish, they freak me out when ...