Memorial Day weekend

Summer, finally.

So far so good. We had a good day, going to Day Out With Thomas -- a Thomas the Tank Engine extravaganza at a nearby historic railroad -- and later hitting the pool, where both boys, especially Eldest, had a lot of fun.

I always liked Memorial Day weekend because it did signal the beginning of summer, though I'm amazed how fast May, generally one of my favorite months, went by. Hopefully June, another favorite month, won't be so zippy. As a kid, I used to like listening to the top 500 rock songs as presented by WLS radio in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend, and usually a picnic, barbecue, or trip to Russell's (a rib place in the suburbs). There was invariably a couple days after Memorial Day of school, maybe a week and half, and then the school year ended and summer would be in full swing. Once you got to Memorial Day, the end was in sight.

In more recent years, Wife and I used to take start a vacation around this time (not this year). After a long sports season for me at work, this weekend was the first big break, and it was a great way to start the summer. No big trips or major plans -- in fact, I will end up working three of the four days of the weekend -- but today was such a blast that Wife already declared it's going to be a great summer.

I think she's right.


cayenne said…
Hi, Joe,
Thanks for inviting me to your blog, first blog ever.
Even though we talk during the week, this will keep me better in touch with you and your family.
You've changed my morning routine. Now, instead of checking the weather first, I will enjoy a day in the life of my son.

Much Love,
Mom x

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