
I took Eldest to the auto show this evening. We're not ready to buy another car yet, and we wouldn't buy one brand new anyway, but it's always fun to look. Eldest didn't get a chance to move around much today, and I kind of wanted to go, so we left Wife and Littlest at home and headed to the show.

Of course, Eldest fell asleep on the way there, but once I woke him he was eager to get inside. The traditional auto show experience for many people is different when you bring kids along. Normally, you take your time looking at the features on a car in which you are interested. With kids, you try to take in as much as you can, tell them not to put their feet on the seats, steal a quick glance at the mileage ratings, then figure out how to get the kids out of the back-back seat. I'm not complaining, it just takes a lot more patience.

I was mostly patient, but Eldest, up past his bedtime started to meltdown right by the classic Mustang display, probably my favorite part of the auto show. He had fun, especially crawling into the back of minivans and crossover SUVs (potentially are next car). His best line of the night: We came across a Saab convertible (Wife's dream car, by the way), and he asked "Where's the roof?"


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