Working for the weekend

Today was a perfect Sunday. And yes, it was a Sunday I had to work.

I usually get one weekend day off, but lately, due to staffing shortages and it just being the time of year, I've been working the whole weekend. My mood sours when I don't get a weekend day off; I know it's easier for Wife if her two days off could coincide with at least one of mine. Usually I worked late the night before, thus tiring me out the next day, and knowing that work shift is coming, my mood doesn't lighten much.

But I vowed to not get so down and unproductive on weekends where I work through. Today, for once, it worked.

Wife took Eldest to CCD, and instead of me turning a show on for Littlest while I went back to sleep, I put him in the stroller and we walked, about 3 1/2 miles. We got home and all of us went to Costco. After some shopping, we returned home and worked in the yard for an hour. Then we went to the zoo for an hour, and though we didn't see many animals (Littlest doesn't stay still at the zoo to observe, but he needed to run around today), we were out as a family. We came home, I managed a 15-minute nap to overcome the wave of tired that seems to hit every day, and I went to work.

I suppose it would have been a perfect day if I hadn't departed for work, if we could have ate dinner as a family, if I could have relaxed that night. But this is what we had to work with, and instead of giving in to some self-pity, we made the best of a gorgeous Sunday.

That said, I don't have to work tomorrow. Hurray!


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