
We had promised Eldest we'd go swimming today. The boys start swim lessons up again this week, and I wanted to get them back in the water before then. But Littlest has been a little under the weather the last few days (though I'm sure that wouldn't have stopped him at the pool), and Wife wasn't feeling well, so it was just Eldest and I.

Instead of going to our fitness center's pool, we went to a nearby park's indoor pool that features a water slide. Eldest had a blast. I wondered if he'd be nervous on a big water slide, but on the first ride, it was apparent he had no fear at all. He kept walking back up and sliding down again. I rode about every other slide. This pool runs the water on this slide full blast, and I'm always a bit nervous that I'd get going so fast that I'd go up and over one the side on a curve. It's probably irrational (as well as physically impossible), but I sat up and tried to slow myself for the top half of the slide so I didn't pick up too much speed.

Eldest hadn't been swimming in a few months, but now I know he never will be skittish after time off from the pool. In fact, he's turning into (if he's not already) one of those kids who just has a crazy, awesome time at the pool. Not being one of those as a kid, it's great to see him at that level of confidence and joy. We'll see if Littlest makes it there, too. First, we'll see how Littlest's first lesson back goes.


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