May days

For my first post in a almost 7 weeks (and no, I'm not going to blog about how I need to start blogging again, blah, blah, blah -- I slacked off and now it's done), can I say how happy I am that spring is sort of here. May is my favorite month, with the leaves back on the trees, baseball in full swing (no pun intended) and summer up ahead.

However, this spring has mostly sucked again here in Utah. We get a few nice days followed by a few rainy/cold days. Lately, it hasn't been as cold, but there have been few breaks for me to mow the lawn, do some weeding, plant anything. Each year, I seed the front lawn with the hopes I'll get full coverage. I was ready to go when the weather turned icky, and in the brief warm spells, clover invaded. So now I have to spray weed stuff on the lawn before I can throw down any seed. At least the clover makes the lawn look green ...

I shouldn't complain too much, because it doesn't seem this spring is as bad as last year (when we went to see Thomas the Tank Engine at Heber Valley Railroad over Memorial Day and it was in the 40s). I have managed to grill once, not every soccer practice and game of Eldest's have been canceled, and I did unintentionally start a Keen sandal tan on my feet. And it's been warm enough to run outside. I just wish Utah's spring this year wasn't so ... midwestern.


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