Spring break

The boys' spring break is somewhat late this year. Usually here in Utah, it's around the last week of March, but this year, maybe because of the late Easter, it's this week. With their few days off, we took a family trip to St. George in southwestern Utah, where the temperature was in the 70s.

The trip was fun, and a good necessary break. We went hiking, saw petroglyphs, saw the movie "Rio" and went swimming in the hotel pool -- five times in three days. In fact, the swimming might have been the highlight for the boys. We enjoyed a good Thai restaurant and In 'n' Out Burger, and enjoyeyd less two pizza restaurants that we'll never go to again. On the way back to Salt Lake, we stopped at Fremont Indian State Park to see more petroglyphs.

Most importantly, we spent some family time together away from home. We haven't gotten out of the valley in months, and this was delayed by the late spring break. Not that late spring breaks are bad -- growing up and going to Catholic school, spring break was called Easter break, always the week after Easter, and when it was late, school wouldn't resume until May or almost May. This rare occurrence made spring fever almost a given -- you returned to school right as leaves started popping on the trees. Late spring breaks usually mean better weather (though not this year), too.

With spring break behind us, we have six busy weeks ahead before summer break. I'm not in a rush for the boys to finish the school year (particularly Littlest, who is graduating preschool), but I do want the weather to improve. Spring break should never feel like winter break.


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