Real deal

The boys didn't have soccer games this morning -- the league they are in takes this weekend off because of the mini-fall break Utah schools take this week. So what did we do on our Saturday? We went and saw a soccer game.

OK, this morning, we were mostly lazy, but we were just gearing up for the game! Not really, but it was a nice, low-key Saturday for once. Real Salt Lake played at 7 p.m., and Michael was going with his teammates, while Lori, Ben and I had our own seats in another part of the stadium.

Michael had a lot of fun. His coach took them for pizza first, then got to the game early so the boys could enjoy all the events outside the stadium. Michael made out like a bandit, with free giant foam fingers, wristbands, doo-rags, tote bags and, the big score, a bobblehead of the RSL goalkeeper for being one of the first 5,000 through the gates. I hope he watched enough of the game, especially how the goalies played -- he's been playing keeper for about a half for the last four games, and he likes the position.

Ben had fun, too, though he didn't get quite the score Michael did (no bobblehead). I'm not sure how much he followed, and it didn't help that every time a big play would happen in front of the goal (we were seated behind it), everyone in front of us would stand, sending me scrambling to pick him up to see the play.

Alas, Real Salt Lake, after leading most of the second half, gave up a goal in extra time and tied the Portland Timbers 1-1. I can watch a pro soccer game and appreciate it, but I can't get into it enough to want to get season tickets -- I'd rather take that route with the Jazz or even the minor league hockey team here in Utah. But based on this one game, I could see us going to more than one match a year, even on non-bobblehead nights.


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