
I'm in the midst of my third cold in the past three months, and I'm not too thrilled about it.

None of the colds has been too bad -- none has put me completely out of commission. In recent years, I have developed a plan on how to attack a cold so it doesn't affect me as much (Chlor-Trimeton, Advil, Cold-Eze, Afrin, and so on). But the colds have still been annoying. And tiring -- the Chlor-Trimetons, effective in dealing with the gross stuff being created in my nose, causes drowsiness.

This cold has been entirely in my nose, and though I've been tired, I haven't felt terrible the last two days. I haven't been that productive (and I'm working tonight, so that will change whether or like it or not), but I was OK for Mass today, with the only side effect being I avoided shaking hands during the Sign of Peace. I'm hoping that when I wake up in the morning, the worst of this mild cold will be behind me. I already was too tired last week without the cold; I don't want to start the new week in zombie mode.


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