Randomness for a Monday

I'm looking at the basketball hoop calendar (yes, it's a calendar that came with a Nerf hoop) and discovered that today, Feb. 6, is Waitangi Day in New Zealand. An Internet search revealed that Waitangi Day is somewhat our country's Fourth of July. The basketball calendar also said that Eric Money was born this day in 1955. Funny, I don't remember the playing exploits of Eric Money at all. His Wikipedia page said he did appear in "The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh," so he must not have been that bad.

-- Both boys have the cold bug I had last week, but not as bad. However, Ben is losing his voice a little and sounds like Froggy from "The Little Rascals." Too bad he didn't have this voice at Halloween; we could have found him wire-rimmed glasses and overalls and had almost nobody under age 50 recognize who he was.

-- Popcorn is in an odd mood tonight. After taking her for a long walk tonight, she came inside and didn't want to lay down in her crate to go to sleep like she normally does when she's tired this late. She's downstairs with me, reclined on a couch ... sleeping.

-- The oddly not-cold winter continues. The past few days have been breezy, resulting in a wind chill, but still no snow lately. I'm worried that the weather in March is going to be horrendous.

That's all the randomness I have for a Monday. No more writing until tomorrow, when my calendar says that Steve Nash turns 38 ...


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