Finally, a victory

Jazz 106, Timberwolves 84.

At last, we took the boys to a Jazz game and the Jazz won. They got to see the streamers launch from the rafters onto the floor. They got to see some nice Jazz dunks and actual defense. The crowd didn't get too into the game because the Jazz led by double digits for the whole second half, but we still had fun.

We got a good deal on the tickets (with free pizza!) and bought them somewhat spur of the moment last week Lori hasn't been with us when I've taken the boys to a basketball game, so this truly was a family event. Our seats were upper deck but not too high up. Michael, and Ben and I roamed EnergySolutions Arena before the game and during halftime, and I bought Ben a Jazz jersey (every Al Jefferson jersey was 50 percent off).

We likely will see one more Jazz game this season, as well as a couple University of Utah games. I hope the boys are enjoying the game itself, but I can live with them just enjoying the experience.


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