Summer 2013, Day 22

Summer was supposed  to provide a break in our hectic schedules. Instead, the kids' sports have remained just as insane.

Swim team moved  to their summer schedule -- three mornings and two afternoons. Michael has diving every morning, and he had basketball camp all week and has two more upcoming. Ben has a week of soccer camp on tap later in the month.

Oh, Michael made the U9 all-star team for his baseball league. We have another three weeks of baseball ahead.

I'm not begrudging any of this, but as I've stated before, I've found it difficult to get into the spirit of summer. Fortunately, the boys haven't -- they've been playing with friends, swimming every day, enjoying the late evenings, and so on. Summer is supposed to be about them and not me, so why do I feel a little ... rushed?

OK, today: Michael had diving, basketball and swimming. Ben had a play date and swimming. Both boys splashed in the pool when it was the other brother's turn at swim team, but I didn't jump in the pool today when a very big cloud obscured the sun and cooled off the mountainside. As a family, we played Ticket to Ride and watched the Heat defeat the Spurs. I walked Popcorn, then found the front porch to type this up. There was never more than about 90 minutes between the start of something and the end of something else. Maybe that's why I felt rushed today. While it was hot in the afternoon, I should have taken a half-hour on the lawn chair in the sun.

Tomorrow, we have about four hours between the end of diving and our next commitment. I'm going to find something fun and summery to do if it kills me.


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