Summer 2013, days 89-93

Another lull in posting, but only after another busy week.

School started for the boys Wednesday, and already, we are believing it will be a good year. Michael's teacher brings so much energy to the class, and Michael is happy to be in the same class with two of his best friends. He said that his days so far this week were just average; I'm guessing he's not exactly thrilled to be back in school. But he's had no real complaints yet. We'll see how he likes it next week when the class gets past its welcome-back-to-school phase and gets down to a routine of learning.

Ben had a fantastic week.He's a second-grader in a combined 1/2 class with a lot of new kids, and he is enthusiastically taking to his role as an older, wiser student. On his first day, he was happy because there were no mean kids in his class. I'm hoping the dynamic of his class, which was so mean last year, is different and he can continue having "awesome" days, as he told me.

Monday and Tuesday were spent preparing for school -- shopping, cleaning, resting. We didn't do anything Tuesday so that the boys could hang out with their friends who aren't classmates one last time. Michael had his first fall baseball game Friday night (he struggled, striking out twice, but his team won 14-7). I ran all over the place Friday, including getting Lori and me new phones (mine was dying a slow, painful death). We've had a lot of clouds all week but oddly not too much rain. It's like the skies know fall is coming and aren't sure how to react.

Three days of school down, 177 to go. I'm hoping they are as good as the first three.


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