
Ben started Thanksgiving running. He didn't tire out until almost 10 p.m. Some of us didn't last that long.

Our Thanksgiving began with an informal 5K one of Lori's co-workers who is also a personal trainer was hosting. Two laps around Liberty Park, actually 3 miles instead of 5K. She said go, and Ben took off. Having not run since March (before my busted disk got bad), I was expecting to walk most of this. But someone had to keep up with the bouncy 7-year-old and make sure the bouncy dog got her exercise too. Lori and Michael hung back and I tried keeping up as best I could. We went through 1.5 miles in 17 minutes, and that was after we stopped for a minute so the youthful mammals could get a drink of water. The second lap was slower -- Ben was getting tired and walked more, and he had to stop to pee once -- but we came in at 38 minutes.

The rest of the day was a time to relax. OK, Lori cooked, but she never got overwrought about it. We had invites from friends for Thanksgiving, but this year, after several busy weeks, we decided to stay at home, just the four of us. We watched football and played board games. I napped. The dog slept all day after getting more exercise than she had in a while (she loved her 3-mile run, but it exhausted her). We ate Lori's delicious Thanksgiving meal. I found two Christmas presents online at Black Friday prices, eliminating any temptation (trust me, there was none) to go to Walmart tonight to get them.

This Thanksgiving was great. I am thankful. Tomorrow, I'm sure my legs are going to be sore ...


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