Summer 2014, days 65-68: The quickening

Vacation goes by so fast, but I've come to realize this truth: The week after vacation goes by even quicker.

Here it is, almost a week after we got back from Chicago, and it still feels like we're in recovery mode. The unpacked suitcases are still lingering in my basement, not yet returned to the closet from where they reside. My backpack sits in the living room unsorted. The days sped by, and we don't feel like we are quite back in a normal routine yet. This isn't really coinciding with my goal to get the most out of the last month of summer as possible.Yet, four days just passed, and I'm struggling to remember what we did.

Lori's birthday was yesterday -- I remembered that. The boys had a swim team party at the JCC, which also had a band on its balcony. We ate dinner, drank a couple beers, and occasionally peered down to see what  our kids were doing on a gorgeous summer night.

I worked a lot this week, with more assignments on the horizon that will fill my schedule. Lori's new job kicks into full-time next week. The boys are wrapping up swim season this week and played with their friends the past few days. I've taken the dog for walks each night but no hikes. I managed to actually jump in the pool today when I wasn't working (I brought my laptop to the JCC while the boys alternated between swim practice and swim fun). Oh, it rained plenty a couple days.

So let the recovery end. School starts in a little more than three weeks. Hello, August.


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