The no-work weekend

Since about late June -- except for the two weeks we were on vacation -- I've been freelancing like crazy. The one company I work for has sent me a steady yet impressive amount of work over the last three months. This is the most proficient work period I've had since going part-time at the newspaper several years ago. And this was my goal to, especially after quitting the newspaper in March. Oh, I am still writing for my old employer too, just adding to the freelancing madness.

Amid this load of work, I haven't had much time when I wasn't thinking about what I needed to get done next. I get a little free time, I more often than not will pull out the laptop and work. I pulled back somewhat on vacation -- managing about five or six work-free days -- but was slammed when we returned to Utah. In the eight or so weeks since vacation, I've been a machine ...  and have worked in some way, shape or form every day.

After knocking out 17 ghostwritten blog posts and two news releases in the past two weeks, I managed something that had been eluding me: a weekend off. There is nothing imminently due, and I'm not feeling like I need to work to get ahead of the curve.

I actually am able to get a lot done on the weekends. Even with soccer having restarted, I can get a little production on Saturday and a lot on Sunday. These past two NFL Sundays, I've been playing Red Zone (the NFL Network's live, in-progress highlight show) on my phone, propped up on my laptop, as I've worked. This is actually a good setup I discovered last year, and even better, this fall I'm not going into the office afterward (and I so don't miss that).

So what will I do for the rest of my weekend? After three soccer games and some grilling today, I'm going to work on the yard tomorrow. The boys and I tossed the football around today, and maybe that will occur Sunday as well. I'm thinking about board games, some closet clearing, more writing, and plenty of NFL (just without the freelance multitasking).

I already have some assignments for next week, and I'll get on those Monday. For now, I'm content have a whole weekend to myself and to spend with my family.


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