Back in the game

Almost three months since the last post, but the focus has changed.

I started writing professionally so much in 2014 that the the non-professional writing suffered. My reasoning, I was so tired from the work that I couldn't just sit down in front of my laptop and write some more when it didn't count for anything. This blog languished, as well as the two other blogs I still kept putting off. The focus was incomplete.

The focus is changing because ... I've been hired for a full-time job. The company I've been freelancing for is bringing me on for 40 hours a week, writing, editing, and managing content. I get to work from home, and I'm not strictly working 9 to 5 every day. The opportunity is tremendous, and I'm excited to begin next week.

The new job also has me refocused. Even if I didn't take the job, I knew I needed to reassemble how I was structuring my day to reach the goals I want to reach. Getting in an hour of writing just for me is that first step.

The trial run with the new schedule is this week. The boys returned to school this morning after the long winter break; it's just the dog and I in the house. This all sounds resolution-esque, I know (I'm also committing to eating smarter), but it's really all coincidence. And even if it wasn't, so what, progress shouldn't be reserved or prevented for a certain time of the year.

So here I am, the morning of Jan. 5, 2015, writing. I'm nervous and excited and eager for the rest of the  year. It's good to be back in the game.


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