
This is our 15th winter in Salt Lake City, and it's been the weirdest yet. I'm looking out the kitchen window and seeing no snow on the mountains. We've had about two weeks of high temperatures above 50; today, it's supposed to climb above 60 again. This is in a city that hosted a Winter Olympics -- at this same time of year, mid-February.

I'm not complaining: I'm not a big fan of winter to begin with, so I don't mind that it's feeling like spring two months early. But this is maybe the fourth winter of the last five or six in which I've barely had to shovel or sweep snow off the car. I've only worn the winter boots a few times. The snow toys, sleds and snowball throwers, are strewn around the bare yard, hardly used by the boys.

Again, not minding all this, but just a sober reminder of the current meteorology. The east is getting socked again this winter, and I see all the Facebook hosts about how "global warming can't be happening because it's so cold." Come out to Salt Lake City, the town that winter is forgetting.


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