The March of time

I've had so much to write about this month and not a lot of time or energy to do so. My grandmother died, my dad visited, and we went to Pocatello, Idaho, for a basketball tournament in successive weekends. Bing, bing, bing, and here it is, a week before April. Grandma's death hit me hard, and I didn't want to write and yet did at the same time. The urge not to won, helped by everything else that was going on. And I'm going to write about her, and the basketball tournament, and Dad's visit, and everything else.

We got through Pocatello, and now it's time to be a little more extraordinary. Work is still a bit crazy, but the best and worst of March has passed. I found a star that I'm looking to every night and thinking of Grandma. It's Sirius, and it's easy to spot, off to the left of Orion's foot. I've been catching it and pondering everything I want to do but haven't accomplished, or even started, yet. Unfortunately, I'm going to lose it here in a couple months, but I'm already thinking about picking one for Grandpa, gone 10 years in September. Every extraordinary endeavor has a very beginning. I'm calling this post that beginning. And I'm looking forward to what I do tomorrow.


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