Summer 2015: Day 29

Father's Day.

Lori had asked me what I wanted to do this day, and as last year, go on a hike with my family. We started in the morning, around 9 a.m. -- a little later than we intended to but still early enough that we avoided the heat. Our destination was Jack's Mountain Mailboxes -- a small peak near our house that features two mailboxes full of journals that people have been writing in for two decades in memory of Jack, a 5-year-old who died of leukemia in 1995.

The hike was a bit of a steep climb: 1,200 feet over 1.6 miles, but we made it. I left a note in one of the journals and gave the boys a big hug. It was the perfect place to be on Father's Day. The walk down was a little treacherous, but we made it and went to Blue Plate Diner for breakfast. Of four diners, we ordered three sides of bacon to accompany our pancakes (at least the boys and I got pancakes, I added chocolate chips).

The rest of the day was mellow. I stopped at the comic book store to pick up the Marvel Secret Wars series (at least the two issues that are out and were in stock), and the boys got haircuts. I grilled burgers for dinner (which were so good on these pretzel buns we got from Costco yesterday). Michael and I played DC Dice Masters. I got Popcorn out for a short walk.

Like I said, Father's Day was perfect.


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