Summer 2016: Day 119 -- the last day of summer

The sun was too warm today, but I'm going to blame it on my cold. They day was bright and hot -- and the right way to officially call it a summer.

I am still a bit under the weather and tired, and when I went in to co-op, the P.E. teacher told me to take the afternoon off. I found a shady spot at a nearby park to chill, and eventually Lori joined me and we talked for a while. I took Michael home from school, grilled a tri-tip roast we cut up for dinner, partook in a quick fantasy football draft, Ben and I tried Perquackey, and walked the dog. I tried sitting in the sun, but again, it was too warm, and being too warm with a cold can be just as miserable as being too cold. And now I sit on my porch, writing about Day 119, the last day of summer.

Besides saying it went to fast, I never felt really settled in, could never get a routine going. That's part of the transition I talked about before, and now that summer is over, I'm starting to find my groove. That said, there were plenty of memorable moments. Content might not be the right word, but I was not so restless this summer, more grounded, less stressed out. I almost felt as if I didn't enjoy summer 2015, but this year, I definitely did.

The cough I predicted is beginning.  Penny, the P.E. teacher, reminded me of something -- parents at our school get often colds when the session begins. It's not summer biting back at me, but fall reminding me it's near. Well, fall is here, and I'm looking forward to it. More blogging for sure, but more experiences. More appreciation. More intent.

Summer 2017 is 8-9 months away. There's no rush.


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