Summer 2017: Days 91-105

This stretch of summer started with the first day of the school year and an eclipse. It ended with a triathlon, a holiday, and a greenish swimming pool.

The first day of school was the eclipse, 91 percent here in Salt Lake City. We dropped the boys off at school and came home, working a little before enjoying the sky show. Ben was super excited to start sixth grade. Michael was less enthused to be back, though his friends were happy to see him.

The first weeks of school passed quickly. The boys got used to their routines. Michael did some extra basketball training sessions in advance of tryouts. We went to the pool a few times. I even worked twice at a friend's house who has a backyard pool -- I couldn't believe how ridiculously productive I was.

The second soccer game of the season was played, with us winning 5-4. We're starting to look a little better.

A few fantasy football drafts are already in the books. The season is coming soon.

Ben and I enjoyed a Friday night just us while Michael and Lori saw "Dunkirk." We went to The Habit for dinner and to Game Night Games, where we tried Splendor for the first time.

I'm tracking calories again. Eek, I'm chunky again. I ate way too much on vacation.

Friday night, I took the boys to the Judge Memorial football game. Both had fun. Michael wants to figure out how football works; Ben just loves to root for the home team.

Saturday, Ben and I hit a few yard sales, and Michael had his first tryout of eighth grade. We went to Barbacoa for lunch afterward. Lori and I went out for dinner and drinks with some friends in the evening.

Sunday was kind of a lazy Sunday. I ran a couple errands and sat in the yard reading It and self-dunking with a bucket of water any time I got too warm in the 97-degree heat.

This morning, Labor Day, Ben and Lori competed in a triathlon. I came along for technical and moral support. Both had a lot of fun. Ben zoomed through the swim and run, was a little slower on the bike and transitions. Lori was simply pleased to finish. We went to Steak 'n' Shake for lunch.

In the afternoon, I took the boys to the JCC. Michael and I shot around while Ben and his friend swam. The pool was a little green -- something with the chlorine and oxygen levels. It was darker on the deep end, but I jumped off the diving board one last time nonetheless.

The routine really gets going tomorrow with Ben resuming swim practice, Michael doing another tryout (and hoop practice for him will ramp up quickly), and me returning to the friend's pool to work. Summer is just about over, but fall should be great.


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