Monday therapy

Today was a long Monday. Some of it was OK, some of it sucked.

Near the end of Ben's swim practice, while I was working, I encountered the simultaneous annoyances of my old phone acting even older and slower than normal and a writing task for a frustrating client that was all jacked up. Upon further review, I might have jacked it up initially, which was then compounded by the client (who would have messed it up no matter how perfect it was).

We drove home from swim, I had about five minutes to try decompressing before heading out the door to get Michael to basketball and work some more. I manged to write some of the confusingly outlined content but left the rest for tomorrow. This client drains my creativity so badly that I lose interest in anything after work ends. That's always been an issue -- I work as a writer so I don't have energy to write on my own -- but this takes it to an extreme level.

After the late basketball practice, I took Popcorn around the block twice and decided on a course of mini-therapy as I wind down for the even: this blog post.

Welcome to another May I don't feel like I'm enjoying. Actually, it's been a good May so far and maybe I'm just pessimistic after today. However, I haven't felt like I've taken it all in, and that it will be summer (hurray!) and I will have forgot to experience spring (boo!). Not having a baseball player in the house is surely contributing to this, but May isn't supposed to be a month you rush. But here we are, halfway through already.

As I walked out of swim practice, it felt like summer -- the smells, the twilight, the mountain behind the JCC -- and I tried hard to take it in. Alas, by the time I got home, I was irritated again. 

So, I'm on the porch writing. Tomorrow will be another long day, but I have a three-day weekend coming that includes Ben's birthday and chaperoning a field trip to Lagoon. Plus, I can write every day something that isn't work. That's the therapy I need and the reminder to enjoy May.


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