Summer 2019: Days 47-61

I really pooped in the pool on blogging my summer these past two weeks ...

The weather has been hot. Life has been busy -- two swim meets, including state. A difficult client at work is sapping my energy and creativity. I'm barely exercising, and my nutrition has been bad. I've been so tired every evening that the thought of writing some more, even just a couple hundred words, has not been appealing. Before I knew it, two weeks passed without touching the blog.

We leave on vacation in the morning, so I need to recap the past two weeks before I start writing about the next two. It's not going to be much.

Ben swam well at the state long-course meet, especially considering he just aged up into another division. He swam another meet last weekend and did OK -- we were going to skip but discovered we would have had to pay for it anyway, so he swam it.

Lori and Michael went to California for a basketball tournament while we held down the fort in SLC. Temperatures had been scorching in Utah but I still managed to work outside in the shade.

Ben and I had a fun morning hitting yard sales and Deseret Industries. Found a bunch of records and an Atari Flashback plug and play.

Popcorn got a growth removed from her ear. She's already at the family who'll be watching her during our trip, cone of shame and all. 

Today, I didn't work but scrambled with errands and driving kids places. I'm ready for this vacation.


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