Coronavirus Chronicles: Shake, rattle and roll

Someone forgot to tell the ground beneath us that there is a pandemic in progress.

A 5.7 earthquake woke me up this morning. I probably slept through the first half of the temblor, which lasted about 20 seconds. At first, I thought it was just Lori getting out of bed that caused the stirring. After a second or two, when the shaking became stronger, I realized what was happening.

A funky 10 seconds later, it was over. Lori was rattled, waking up the boys and instructing Michael to get the pet carrier and put the cat in it. I believe she was thinking what if we had to get out or part of the house collapsed and we couldn't find Maggie, but after a couple minutes, she regained her composure (she really didn't lose it, but again, this freaked her out wide awake -- I only experienced the quake groggy), and we both had the same revelation: "Are you kidding me?"

Nothing in the house was damaged -- the quake was centered 15 miles west of us, we only experienced the shaking. Working the rest of the day wasn't easy -- staying focused was a challenge, and that 4.6 aftershock was fun!

I'll get some extra work done tomorrow or Saturday morning. We ordered Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner because no one felt like cooking, and honestly, we deserved pizza after this day. We kept our social distance, and I walked the dog for an hour in the evening.

I'm hoping tomorrow is more productive -- and, frankly, boring.


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