
Showing posts from June, 2020

Summer 2020: Days 33-37

We're getting another really-hot-to-really-chilly swings as I type this. Yesterday, the high temperature was in the mid to high 90s. Tonight, the current temp is 54. We didn't get the expected thunderstorms yet, but the cooldown feels good, although I hope it's temporary. Ben had two friends over for some socially distant Dungeons and Dragons today, and yesterday we spent a couple hours clearing out the patio so they could play there instead of in the yard. We did such a good job that I would consider working or hanging out there if I wanted get out of the house but needed a table and some sort of ceiling above me. The weekend went too fast again, but it's been relaxing. I went to Smith's and Costco on Saturday and feel restocked. I lounged in the heat after cleaning out the patio, then grilled a flank steak for dinner. The weekdays in this long stretch were ordinary. Lori saw Michael play basketball at a tournament in Utah County -- I'm going to watch him play ...

Summer 2020: Day 32

I'm outside at 10:45 p.m., and I'm ready to write this post and call it a night. Alas, I remembered that I still need to water the lawn. The day was hot, so the lawn needs a drink, but I'm tired and wish I thought to do this earlier. Ben and I took the dog on a nice walk, and I worked later than I normally would, which is why I'm here no, lamenting that my responsibilities aren't quite done. Nothing too exciting happened today. Lori ordered Este pizza for dinner. Michael finally hung out with friends in a socially distant way, for the first time this summer. I worked in the backyard most of the day. In other words, it was Tuesday ...

Summer 2020: Days 29-31

Another workweek began after a nice weekend. Pandemic and mad world notwithstanding, this summer is shaping up to be not so bad. Saturday started with a run, followed by taking Ben to swim practice and then the Wendy's drive-through, followed by a nap and then some work cleaning out the patio. I wrote my annual solstice post at sunset , then drove around a little ... and found myself becoming annoyed after my previous optimism. Basically, I was pissed that the all the progress we made with the pandemic is being flushed down the toilet because people, well, suck. Their selfishness is killing my summer plans, and the anger started to boil as I drove up to gaze at the lights in and across the valley. My high school friends and I have been meeting for a virtual happy hour every Saturday, and they were great at letting me vent and talking me down from my anger. I went to bed not as pissed. Father's Day was simply tremendous. Lori made me an egg/bagel sandwich for breakfast, and afte...

The strange solstice

Today is the first day of summer, the longest day of the year, and as is my tradition, I am writing from a hillside overlooking the zoo, with a fantastic view of the sunset. A cloudy front had moved through about an hour ago, and I was concerned I would miss the sunset but it's passing at the right moment, and the setting sun is bright and spectacular. Of all the years I've been blogging on around this day, this might be the weirdest. The pandemic in progress, coupled with the fury our nation is feeling, has made this anything but a typical summer or year. The things that I normally would reflect on here seem not as urgent. Yet, this is my last summer solstice before I turn 50. The first year I did this , I was 36 and had two toddlers, and 50 seemed so far off. Thirteen years went by in a blink, and I can't believe that the tradition I started that day has endured, seeming familiar and new every year I write from here, but frightening me that another year has passed. Two ye...

Summer 2020: Days 26-28

Another work week in the books, and this one went just as fast as the others. Not that I don't mind another weekend, but I'm simply astonished how quickly the COVID weeks continue to fly by. I'm not sure if it means I'm not being as efficient during the workday and stretching work to after dinner (which I did almost every day this week), if I'm not getting an early enough start, if I'm not varying my day with enough productive, engaging breaks, or if I'm just in a rut. Michael has a basketball tournament next week, then we have July 4 on the horizon -- maybe that will provide the variety that will slow things down. I didn't sleep well last night, which prevented a run this morning -- and I missed it, which is a good sign that the routine is feeling good. I grilled bratwurst tonight and got the dog on a long walk. I've been following too much news the last few days as coronavirus cases are ticking upward. We officially canceled the trip to Texas, and ...

Summer 2020: Days 24-25

We're experiencing the first real thunderstorm of summer right now. It hasn't been too intense, though Michael said the lightning was something else as he was driving home from basketball practice. Luckily, I got Popcorn out for a walk just before the rain started pouring down. The rain never stopped, so I'm typing this up from the comfort of the living room. I didn't sleep well last night and was dragging all day. I wasn't stressed or anything -- just could never get comfortable. Today was cloudy, though yesterday was nice. Perhaps the beginning of the week just has me a little uninspired. My walk tonight in the pre-rain was nice, and yesterday I enjoyed a nice early morning run. I wish I had more to write about, but these two days really have been boring. Maybe Wednesday will be a thriller.

Summer 2020: Days 19-23

Five quick days and an even quicker weekend were stark reminders that summer is rarely slow. Plus, I haven't had too much desire to write in the evening, which I've encountered before. If anything, the last five days have been uneventful. Work was nondescript. I went to Walmart and Smith's Friday to complement Lori's trip to Costco -- we're set for food for a while. I was looking forward to baking in the heat Saturday, but alas, the expected 90-degree temps never materialized, giving way to clouds and wind. We had spent some time planning a trip to Texas next month, but Michael's job might throw a wrench into our plans -- he can't leave the state without having to quarantine three weeks before returning to work after he gets back. That pretty much would kill the rest of his summer of work, and he's really focused in making some good cash. We'll see how strict his job is sticking to this policy, but for now, the road trip looks shaky. If we don't ...

Coronavirus Chronicles: Closure

Ben graduated from the Open Classroom nearly two weeks ago, and his last official day of school was a week ago. Granted, he hadn't been in the school in nearly three months, but after weeks of online learning, presenting his eighth-grade project virtually, and a nice video graduation , the end nonetheless arrived. We were proud, and whether graduation was live in the OC gym or virtual, of course we would be joyful and sad. After 11 years in this community -- and with co-oping and committees and the friends we've made along the way, it really has been a community -- the end for us was never going to be easy. However, I still don't feel closure. The last 10 weeks of school should have been our chance to say goodbye after so many years. I would have co-oped one more time. I would have walked the halls one more time, and popped in the Michael's first classroom. I would have thanked the teachers and strolled the courtyard. I would have taken it all in ... and then say goodb...

Summer 2020: Days 15-18

Temperatures on Friday reached 100 degrees. This morning, it was 43 ... Several storm fronts powered through Salt Lake City these past few days, dumping a lot of rain and chilling the air. At least today was sunny, with highs around a pleasant 68, which felt warm when a week ago it would have been cold. Subsequently, my weekend was uneventful. A Saturday morning excursion to Walmart was the only time I really even got out. The naps were relaxing. These first two days of work have been busy, after I had to get something written on Sunday. I'm already looking forward to next weekend. The days will heat up again soon. I ran this morning, and I must say, I've been loving it. I wish it was helping me lose some weight, but at least I'm getting the cardio. Plus, running has been a great way to start the day. Maybe that's one thing that makes this summer unique.

Summer 2020: Days 12-14

Three hot summer days have passed, and I've had little inclination to write. Of course, I've been writing for work, but between that and scanning the news too often, it's drained my will to be personally creative. These three days went fast, too. The days are bleeding into each other way too easily. I did run Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Ben and I walked the dog a couple nights ago, which was nice. I self-doused with a bucket of cold hose water several times today, which sounds juvenile but is one of the fun, juvenile things I enjoy about working from home during the summer. And a storm is blowing in tonight, which is supposed to send temperatures tumbling into the low 60s by Sunday. Maybe a crappy, rainy, cold weekend is what I need to appreciate the days that follow. I'm ready to sleep a lot over the next two days. Alas, I also need to write for work to get something finished for early next week. Another quick weekend awaits.

Summer 2020: Days 10-11

I'm blogging from an unusual place tonight -- a grassy patch in the parking lot of the sports complex where Michael is practicing, way out on the industrial west side of Salt Lake City. The city enacted a curfew from 8 p.m.-6 a.m. through next Monday, and though driving to a business and driving home are allowed under the terms of the curfew, I didn't want Michael to deal with worrying about it. I would hate for his first time being pulled over to occur during all this. His team doesn't want parents inside the facility for basketball practice, so I'm camped outside here on a patch of grass, on a gorgeous evening, enjoying the relative quiet of an industrial neighborhood. I walked the dog this morning so I won't have to do more than take her around the block when I get home. Yesterday, I just took her around the block a couple times. I'm sure I'd be OK walking her on a leash after curfew in our sleepy neighborhood, but I'm fine to do my part to try to mak...