Summer 2020: Days 12-14

Three hot summer days have passed, and I've had little inclination to write.

Of course, I've been writing for work, but between that and scanning the news too often, it's drained my will to be personally creative.

These three days went fast, too. The days are bleeding into each other way too easily.

I did run Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Ben and I walked the dog a couple nights ago, which was nice. I self-doused with a bucket of cold hose water several times today, which sounds juvenile but is one of the fun, juvenile things I enjoy about working from home during the summer. And a storm is blowing in tonight, which is supposed to send temperatures tumbling into the low 60s by Sunday.

Maybe a crappy, rainy, cold weekend is what I need to appreciate the days that follow. I'm ready to sleep a lot over the next two days.

Alas, I also need to write for work to get something finished for early next week. Another quick weekend awaits.


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