Guilt, shame, and the hundred
Nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes. We all have regrets. We all wish we can have do-overs. We all wish we can forget the screw-ups. Unless someone is completely incorrigible, humans carry at least a little shame and guilt with them. Learning from your mistakes makes you grow, but sometimes, forgetting the mistake is difficult. It can linger, re-emerging once in a while, reminding you that you should have acted differently, acted at all, or just shut up instead of saying something stupid. Many years ago, I started counting up the self-embarrassments that were torturing me. I didn't tabulate these moments all at once, but after a few months, I had reached around 100 instances. I rounded to the even century and called it "the hundred." As I accumulated this mental list, I realized, most of the shame-inducing incidents were before I was 25, and even then, before I was 18. I also committed to stop dwelling on the past miscues. If one popped back into my mind, I would s...