Um, I guess I should write about something

My evenings the past few months have not been conducive to writing. I seem to be cramming in an extra hour or two of work after dinner, and it hasn't quite warmed up enough to write outside just yet. There's been some lethargy, too -- I need to think of topics to write about, or even simply write about the day or the week.

So tonight, without any work and the dog already walked (just around the block, she's got a scrape on her shoulder that I hope scabs over soon), I came out the front porch to write.

I don't have a topic. And I'm thinking one isn't coming to me tonight.

I went through my closet today, took out about 35 items, and organized it a little better. I did some yardwork, then grilled hot dogs for dinner. Recorded two old "American Top 40" episodes from the internet. Went for a long walk without the dog -- she looked at me so sadly when I got back. 

I'm ready to run and work out this week, and try to eat decently. I've actually not been bad on this front lately, but I'm still waiting a few weeks to step on the scale. 

The linden looks as if it's about a week away from getting leaves. As fast as the first month of spring has seemed, we've only had a few nice days. 

The weekend went by too fast, and this week looks a little nutty, but May will be here soon and then summer. I reach full efficacy on my vaccines Friday. Plus, there's an actual vacation in our future.

I'm feeling chilly now and will wrap this up. My task for the next day when I'm bored: Think up topics for the upcoming weeks. This post is just too boring.


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