Summer 2022: Days 42-52

As Joe-batical continues, I'm finding something interesting: As I'm not working as a writer, I've had little desire to write outside of work. Usually, I'm so drained creatively that I'm not in the mood to write after work concludes or on the weekends. I thought that free from work, my creative juices would kick in again and I'd be productive.

So far, that hasn't been the case -- I haven't even wanted to summer blog. Perhaps I needed this break to completely disconnect from the words, hopefully to feel refreshed enough to dive back in. Hopefully, that happens soon, because I'm nearly halfway through the leave.

That said, the last several days have remained a mix of productive and relaxing. Ben is swimming in the state long-course meet this week, which is a little nuts, but otherwise, I'm enjoying the leave. I'm really looking forward to this weekend to get much done -- I feel like I'm on a cusp of getting my office, a big swath of storage space, and an increased approach to organization in order. 

I've also been running, lounging in the sun (by the pool and in the backyard -- it hit 107 degrees on Sunday), and watching movies. I'm itching for a little adventure, but for the time being, Joe-batical, except for the lack of writing, is living up to my expectations. And it's been great.


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