Summer 2024: The rest of it and beyond

I'm finishing up my summer blogging today, Oct. 2. That makes total sense.

I am really not sure why I'm so uninspired to write this blog. There is simply no energy or enthusiasm each evening to open the computer and write. Sitting on the porch to do so has felt like a chore. So here I am, the second day of October, trying to wrap up a summer of non-blogging.

Unfortunately, my designated end of summer was four weeks ago, and I'm struggling to remember what the month between vacation and the start of the NFL season encompassed. We moved Ben into his dorm ... yeek, seven weeks ago. He's having a blast and is really loving his independence -- we see him once or twice a week, but hasn't felt homesick at all to spend a night back in his own bed. 

So what else happened? The weather was unsurprisingly hot again, though we did manage a few rainstorms. We bought a new bed on Labor Day, and it has been wonderful. I participated in four fantasy football drafts. Adventures were lacking in August, but two trips to the Midwest provided enough (though not quite enough) time away from Utah.

Alas, that felt about it. Maybe if I was blogging every day, I would have found more interest in each day to record. And that's sort of the point of summer blogging -- to not forget the uniqueness of summer.

The month since has been mostly warm. It hasn't rained in SLC for a couple weeks. I managed a relaxing couple hours at the pool a few weeks ago, and I was planning on trying again Sunday, but the only cloudy day in weeks came through and dropped a little drizzle, plus the JCC pool's heater was broken and the water was a little chilly (which would have been OK in the sun). 

I was diagnosed with a possible torn meniscus, so I stopped running -- and it hasn't been easy. I've been antsy. Michael got one of our old Trek hybrids working, and I managed solid workouts on it ... but then a tire went flat. I'm close to a plan to regularly go the JCC and work out, but I'm missing running in the mornings.

And oh, there's the sense of impending doom with the election five weeks away. I shouldn't feel so gloomy -- the odds Kamala wins are still in her favor -- but every story doubting that puts knots in my stomach. I really need to stick to a news embargo and try avoiding anything that will increase my stress.

Work hasn't been great, either, and here comes fall and less sunlight. I feel I need to be deliberate with self-care these next few months and, maybe, embrace deliberate ignorance when I can. I have a house full of video games and projects and jigsaw puzzles and logic puzzles to distract me, and outlets to work out the willies and eat healthy. 

That said, the summer of 2024 didn't suck. I hope to spend more time enjoying summer next year.


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