2025 arrives

Today is New Year's Day, 2025. Many people are dreading what this year might bring, and I'm trying to continue to stay purposefully ignorant of national events. I'm not too proud of that, but keeping my head in the sand has saved me from stress beyond my control. That has worked for three months now, before the election, and I've been surprised how easy it has been to avoid news websites. Again, not so proud of myself, but after literal decades craving news, I could use the break. Instead, I have watched and read about more sports, have read more, and have kept myself otherwise distracted.

So with that out of the way, I'm still focused on what 2025 can be. I'm not one to make resolutions so casually, but I don't consider the following to be resolutions so much as goals. Here they are:

  • Approach every day with overwhelming purpose
  • Find ways to nourish my soul and well-being every day
  • Enjoy the things I have, and work toward making it easier to be able to reach that enjoyment
  • Organize the house and my life to make the previous goals more achievable
  • Value experiences -- and find ways to experience those experiences
  • Eat better
  • Work out more
  • Write every day
Yeah, those sound suspiciously like resolutions. That's OK. Resolutions can be broken, but goals are things you strive for and can revisit. After one day, I was purposeful and self-nourishing, but I could have eaten better. In these ways, 2025 is already in progress.



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