Father's Day

I was awoken by Eldest at 8 a.m. He wanted to make me cereal for Father's Day. I normally am not a Frosted Flakes fan, but they tasted great. It was a good start to Father's Day. The boys gave me their presents: new Keen sandals, a Life Is Good T-shirt, and a Spongebob Squarepants card that included a sticker that I was supposed to wear, but it unfortunately didn't stick well to my clothing.

We went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. It somewhat felt like we were on vacation, as this Cheesecake Factory just opened in the last year, and we usually eat there only on vacation. Wife and I started rattling off all the other Cheesecake Factories we'd been to — Dallas, San Diego, Schaumburg, Old Orchard (mall in Chicago's North Shore), Minneapolis, Las Vegas and Scottsdale. But not in Utah until today. Wife bought me a piece of cheesecake to take to work after our lunch.

Our next destination was a miniature golf course, at Eldest's request. There is a little course a couple miles away from our house. It's not the most elaborate putt-putt, but it's perfect for Eldest — easy, friendly, not crowded on Sundays. The attendant only charged a second game to one of us and also gave Littlest a small plastic putter to keep. He didn't use it much, instead preferring to pick up the ball and throw it in the whole. We went home, I managed a little nap, then took my leftover Tons o' Fun Burger and my cheesecake slice to work. Or so I thought — Wife texted to inform me I had taken our leftover side of fries instead of the cheesecake. I'm debating whether I'm going to eat it when I get home from work or save the 500 calories for tomorrow.

The weather was perfect, I was with my family, and I felt relaxed. It was a great Father's Day. Even without the cheesecake.


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