Rain, rain, go away

After several nice days in a row, it rained in Utah the last two days. Rained a lot. We always need the water, and now that the rain has ceased, Salt Lake City will be sunny and hot for the next 2-3 months, but it drove me into a minor blah mood. Maybe because it was cold rain -- SLC doesn't get that humid, Midwestern rain until August.

There were two scheduled playgroups with kids from Eldest's preschool, and the rain seemed to scare everyone away, despite the fact both dates were at inside locations. Today's playgroup was more informal, just an invite from another mom to swim at an indoor pool, and only two parents showed with their kids (the boys had too much fun nonetheless).

So it wasn't the greatest way to start June, which usually combines the last day of school with sunny, perfect conditions. There was one year, however, I remember the last day of school being total gloom. Well not total gloom, as it was the last day of school, but cloudy and rainy. I'm thinking it was 1982 or 1983, and the altarboy schedule had me serving 6:30 a.m. Mass all week (this was the screw shift for altar boys, no pun intended). Usually my grandma or one of my parents would wait at Mass with me and take me home, but this time, Mom took me from the church to a bakery where we got donuts. I remember thinking how cool that was that I was out and about before school, almost like I was an adult.

Oh, it was raining that morning. It rained as I eventually returned to school. It rained as we trudged to the end-of-the-year school Mass (I wonder if I received Communion a second time?), it rained as we got our report cards, and it rained all the way home. Not the best start to the summer, just like the downpours of the last two days soggied SLC kids' start of summer.

Just checked the extended forecast on Weather.com. That brief flirtation of sun this evening that allowed me to grill won't last -- 64 and scattered thunderstorms for Friday. At least I won't have to wake up for 6:30 Mass.


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