Remember when ...

We knew August would fly by, and here is proof -- we have been back from vacation for three weeks, and I haven't even blogged about it. So five weeks since vacation started, here was our trip:

Vacation was two weeks long, our longest trip yet. It wasn't long enough, as we didn't quite see everyone we wanted to see, and didn't get more time with just us -- us being Wife, the boys and myself. At the same time, we were ready to get back: Vacations are great, but they are work.

We visited so many people. I saw a friend I hadn't seen since 1990. Our kids played with our friends' kids. My sister and her kids came in from Texas. We went to northern Wisconsin and stayed a great resort near Eagle River.

Eldest got to fish for the first time. Littlest swung on a swing just about every day of the trip. Eldest went out several mornings with his Grandpa to exercise the dog. Littlest would wake up with the earlier sunrises and exclaim to us "Let's go!"

It was humid. It rained a few days. Traffic in Chicago sucked as usual. I watched more baseball than I had all summer. I ate at all my favorite Chicago joints, probably gaining a few pounds. My failing iPod sometimes worked.

I didn't sweat about work like I did two years ago. We didn't seem as rushed as we did last year, despite the number of people we visited. And though we were ready to go home at the end of the trip, it of course went by too fast.

We returned at the end of July, and we're rapidly apporaching the end of August and the end of summer. It of course has gone by too fast.


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