Take me out to the ballgame

I took Eldest to his first professional baseball game today. We saw the Triple-A Salt Lake Bees play the Fresno Grizzlies at Franklin Covey Field on a sunny, warm afternoon. Yes, it was just a minor-league game, but it was a nice father-son milestone nonetheless.

Admittedly, I wondered how long Eldest would last. Four-year-olds get bored quickly, and he hasn't quite picked up on all the elements of baseball yet. We arrived at the stadium and looked around a little, but got some food, found our seats and settled in for the game.

He made it three innings before he got a little antsy. He did witness a Bees home run, which was cool. After the third, we walked over to the playground (yes, this stadium has its own playground) beyond center field. He played there for a few innings, then said he wanted to go home, but I convinced him to stay through the seventh-inning stretch and "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." I bought us some ice cream in a mini-helmet and sat back down, thinking we'd finish our ice cream and go.

But Eldest surprised me -- he started pretending his hand was a microphone and started doing play-by-play! I think he got the microphone idea from watching a 4-year-old sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" on the scoreboard, but he was clearly trying to deliver some play-by-play, even enlisting me for help. He's more like I was as a kid than I thought!

We left in the top of the ninth, right as the Grizzlies were rallying. I knew if we stayed until the end the visiting team would tie it and we'd be there for extra innings, and Eldest's attention was fading again. I can't wait to take him, and someday Littlest, to another game.

Oh, the Bees won 5-3.


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