Forward sprung

Daylight Savings Time arrived over the weekend, much to the consternation of many people, including Wife. The lost hour of sleep is a big adjustment -- it has been for me the past two days. I worried I was staying up late working last night, when in fact, I was mostly on my normal evening schedule. Littlest slept until 8 this morning -- about an hour later than usual, but still got the right amount of sleep. I know it will take just a few days to adapt. And honestly, I welcome the beginning of Daylight Savings despite the sleep schedule upheaval.

As a night person whose favorite season is summer, Daylight Savings is the first sign of what's to come in the next few months. Getting to those later evenings, at least for me, is evidence that winter is being conquered. This mental component of DST got a boost a few years ago when it was moved from early April to mid March. Remember when Daylight Savings didn't start until the first week of May? Then, that first day of the later sunset was confirmation that summer had arrived (even if it technically hadn't). In March, it's more of confirmation of spring's arrival. Granted, here in Utah, on the west end of the time zone, the early clock switch will make mornings darker for a few more weeks. I can see how that can perturb morning people (like my wife), but I can live with it until summer (I only like early mornings in summer, anyway).

Some people argue that Daylight Savings Time is unnecessary in our less agrarian society. But do we really want summer mornings to start at 4 a.m. (if you live on the east of a time zone, like Chicago, where the sun comes up so early in June)? Do we really want our summer days to end an hour earlier? Do we really want to discard that reminder that the warm seasons are on their way? I don't, and I can live with a few tired days for DST. The yawns are well worth it.


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