This, that and these

Random thoughts and observations after a really busy Wednesday that took me to Costco, Smith's, Old Navy, Kohl's and T.J. Maxx. Oh, I co-oped in Eldest's class, too.

-- The eight inches of snow we got overnight Monday is almost all melted. Wednesday was gorgeous: mid 50s and sunny. I'm determined to not wear my winter coat again until November.

-- Watching my Wisconsin friends go ape-poop over the politics has been interesting. Although I'm sure I'd be enraged if I still lived there, I'm not as fazed when ridiculous politics happen in Utah: I knew what I was getting into when we moved here. And at least the politicians here don't like big demonstrations: When one bill was seriously challenged this week, many legislators took pause (the governor signed it anyway; again, not shocked). I'm just happy the state government loosened the liquor laws a couple years ago.

-- My dad's generation wore Converse (which I liked, by the way), mine wore Nike, and I think my kids and their friends are stuck on Skechers. That what the trip to Kohl's was for: Eldest's Skechers are wearing out, and Littlest needed new shoes, too (and it was just easier to get them both Skechers -- Littlest may be outgrowing (both by age and foot size) character shoes. They are a little more expensive than what I'd get at Payless, but Eldest's pair held up well over the months, and buying them at Kohl's, where everything is on sale (before my 30 percent off coupon) make them worth it.

-- I feel bad for Littlest: We need to get Eldest some new clothes as he grows (and I did today -- size 8s for everything), but Littlest is relegated to mostly hand-me-downs. I think that's why I didn't mind getting him the Skechers. I did buy him a swim shirt Wednesday that we saw at Kohl's (on sale, of course) -- one clothing item Eldest didn't have at his little brother's age.

-- Six blog posts in three days: I'm on a roll! I'm trying to publicize this more, on Twitter and Facebook. I just better keep the posting momentum going.


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