Days of everything

We've been cramming plenty of fun into our days this summer, and at the end of the night, we've been asking Littlest what his favorite part of that day was. His answer: "Everything!"

Today was one of those jam-packed days. While we were winding down, I asked him the same question: What was the best part of your day? In a tired but smiling voice, he replied "Everything."

Was it reading camp, I asked him.


Soccer camp?


Swimming with his best friend?


Going to his brother's swim meet?


Going to his t-ball orientation, getting a new uniform and hat, and seeing his other best friend, who will be on his team?


Getting frozen yogurt to finish off the long day?


I am led to believe one of three things by Mr. Everything:

1. We are cramming so much into each summer day that it's too difficult to decide on one best thing.

2. He's too lazy to actually think about what was best and give a thoughtful answer.

3. "Everything" is the thoughtful yet instant answer my little optimist can't help but come up with after a good day.

I'm hoping it's No. 3, and I hope he never loses that optimism in the joy of every day.


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