Summer blogging

I'm out on our front porch typing tonight on a breezy, warm Utah evening. The temperature here generally cools off a little more at night during the summer than in the Midwest, but because today was so warm, it's settled into a comfortable dusk. Perfect blogging weather.

The past two weeks have been incredibly busy. We added soccer camp this week on top of everything else. But I'm not complaining -- summer has definitely not been boring so far; in fact, it's been quite fun. The weather returned to normal for this time of year, with temps in the 80s (after a May of below-normal 50s), and there hasn't been much lazing around the house ... until this afternoon, when the boys and I somewhat needed it. Eldest has swim practice, soccer camp, his first diving meet and then a swim meet Wednesday, and I didn't want to wear him out before he gets worn out tomorrow. I thought about taking the boys to the water park (we got a good deal on season passes) but decided we needed a small break. Now that it's hot, the weather won't change for two months; we have plenty of time and will get our money's worth from the passes.

What has suffered this month has been blogging -- I unfortunately pushed it aside when everything (kids, running, contract work) got so busy. I'm changing that tonight. Summer is my favorite time of year, so I need to be writing about it every day. And that's my goal: Blog every day for the rest of the summer. Even if I'm typing in two sentences about our day, that's better than nothing. I love going back into old blog entries to see what I was doing three, four years ago (especially during the summer). I need to make that record of this summer as well. Come back tomorrow for another post in my summer of postings.


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