The daily show

I have been too tired to write lately. I'm not sure why -- perhaps I'm still settling in to our school year routine, even though it's already a month in. My other theory is that after a bunch of long, sweeping, sometimes nostalgic posts, I'm not always in the mood to do another. I should be doing another and even write some in advance when I get into these funks, but dealing with that is another issue. For now, I need to write about something today. When I originally started blogging, one goal was to record the events of the day -- a sort of journal. I got away from that, recapping busy, important days and glossing past the mundane. Well, maybe on days like today, when I lack the energy to write deeply, I need to just recap the day. Here it goes:

I got to sleep in a little bit today while the boys were at school. I picked up Ben and two of his friends midday and we went to a park for a little while, launching Stomp Rockets. Ber and I went to lunch at Einstein Bros., came home, took Popcorn outside, then ran a couple errands to the bank at Costco. Michael got home, and I took them for haircuts. I made wiener rolls and tater tots for dinner. The boys played with their friends until near 8 p.m. (they don't have school tomorrow), and we watched epic fails, Weird Al Yankovic and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" (Nee!) videos on my phone while we waited for Lori to get home from a baby shower. I watched a couple DVR'd shows and took Popcorn for a walk before coming downstairs to blog.

That was mundane. But it was our day, and always well worth it.


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