Popcorn love
I've alluded to our new puppy a few times recently, and for those who haven't seen the pictures we have posted on Facebook, here is Popcorn:
We've owned Popcorn for about a six weeks now, and it's been a fun adventure. We decided to start looking for a dog after vacation, but we didn't think we'd get one so soon after we got back. One afternoon, I took the boys to a couple shelters just looking, thinking we wouldn't find a puppy. And we wanted a puppy -- this is the only time the boys will be able to enjoy a young dog while they are still young (we adopted our kitten last February with the same mind-set).
After visiting one shelter, we arrived at the Humane Society, and in a pen it the lobby were two black puppies. They were pointer-lab mixes names Popcorn and Izzy. The pups never spent time in the shelter, instead being fostered after their mother had given birth (they were only being adopted through the Humane Society). Lori came down to take a look at the pups, Ben chose Popcorn, and two hours after we walked through the Humane Society doors, we were dog owners.
Popcorn was named by the woman fostering the pups -- it was her favorite food -- and the boys liked it enough that we kept the name. After a month, she's become an integral part of our family, just as Maggie, our cat, did last winter. Popcorn has adapted well and hasn't pooped in the house in weeks (we're still getting some pee accidents in the kitchen). The dog and cat are co-existing, with Maggie finally realizing this is a friend she can play with (and taunt).
I have loved taking Popcorn on walks and am looking forward to when we can take her on longer hikes and on runs. We have just started taking her to an off-leash dog trail, which has been fun a little crazy -- she tends to get swept up in dogs going in the opposite direction as they pass us, leading to a little chasing by us.
But my favorite thing about her is how genuinely excited she gets to meet new people, especially kids. A trip to the boys' school to pick them up is a tail-wagging, attention-mongering expedition. I hope she doesn't lose that enthusiasm as she grows older.
With her name, I have had New Edition's "Popcorn Love" in my head for a month.
The boys love this song now since I began mindlessly singing it. They also love their new dog.

After visiting one shelter, we arrived at the Humane Society, and in a pen it the lobby were two black puppies. They were pointer-lab mixes names Popcorn and Izzy. The pups never spent time in the shelter, instead being fostered after their mother had given birth (they were only being adopted through the Humane Society). Lori came down to take a look at the pups, Ben chose Popcorn, and two hours after we walked through the Humane Society doors, we were dog owners.
Popcorn was named by the woman fostering the pups -- it was her favorite food -- and the boys liked it enough that we kept the name. After a month, she's become an integral part of our family, just as Maggie, our cat, did last winter. Popcorn has adapted well and hasn't pooped in the house in weeks (we're still getting some pee accidents in the kitchen). The dog and cat are co-existing, with Maggie finally realizing this is a friend she can play with (and taunt).
I have loved taking Popcorn on walks and am looking forward to when we can take her on longer hikes and on runs. We have just started taking her to an off-leash dog trail, which has been fun a little crazy -- she tends to get swept up in dogs going in the opposite direction as they pass us, leading to a little chasing by us.
But my favorite thing about her is how genuinely excited she gets to meet new people, especially kids. A trip to the boys' school to pick them up is a tail-wagging, attention-mongering expedition. I hope she doesn't lose that enthusiasm as she grows older.
With her name, I have had New Edition's "Popcorn Love" in my head for a month.
The boys love this song now since I began mindlessly singing it. They also love their new dog.