
With November over, with a busy November over, with the first week of December that has been just as busy over, I am resuming my blog. It's been a busy six weeks ...

-- I got about 16,000 words into Nanowrimo before I surrendered. I started off strong, then got sidetracked by a cough that was keeping me up nights (and tiring me out too much to write the subsequent day), a steady stream of freelance work and the usual craziness of being a parent. With about a week to go, I realized I'd never have enough time to make it to 50K. I was somewhat happy with what I wrote, and when I really got going, I felt I produced some good stuff. So though I didn't write a 50,000-word novel in November, I'm happy I made the effort. Any writing I can undertake is worthwhile.

-- These last few days have been especially crazy. Michael's birthday is Friday, and we're trying to get ready for his party Saturday.

-- Oh, it was my own birthday last month. I had to work, but we had a nice lunch at Sweet Home Chicago (a Chicago-style pizza restaurant in SLC's suburbs) before I went in.

-- The cough I've been dealing with was a pain in the throat. Usually, I get a cold, it travels into my throat, I cough there for a couple days, then it settles in my lungs. This malady included no cold and stayed in my throat for two weeks. I'd get a tickle in my throat overnight and not be able to stop coughing and resume sleeping. Finally, the combination of gargling with salt water and antibiotics my doctor prescribed seemed to tame the cough. Alas, the antibiotics made me break out ...

-- Soccer season ended for the boys, and basketball season has begun.

December might not get less busy, even after this weekend, but I'm going to find time to blog again. It's good to be back.


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