Spring forward?

The weather this December here in Salt Lake City has been odd. We started out with a crazy wind storm that blew shingles off our roof, followed it up with an early inversion (a pollution event in which a quiet weather system stalls over the valley and traps all the smog between the mountains -- we usually don't get them until January) and have gotten barely any snow all month. In fact, this has been the driest SLC December in recorded history. Today capped off the weird month -- it felt like March.

The sun wasn't out too much today, but it was still warm. We took Popcorn for a long hike on the dog trail, and when we got back to the car, the temperature gauge said it was 62 degrees outside. The thermometer does skew up a few degrees, but my guess was that it was indeed close to 60, which is a good 20 degrees above average. Tonight around 9 p.m., Lori's clock that gets a signal from a thermometer outside said it was 54. The sun went down and it barely cooled off. I threw a heavy sweatshirt on and took Popcorn for another walk to enjoy the mild weather and I actually started to sweat.

It's supposed to cool off to normal over the weekend, but the temperature is scheduled to climb back into the high 40s next week, with no snow anywhere in sight. I'm generally not a big snow fan, and I'm not sad that I haven't even had to take the shovels out of the garage yet (much less use them), but this is bad -- the valley needs snow in the mountains for our water supply. Last year, we had record snow, so this drought won't hurt, but it surely won't help. I'd be happy with rain and mild weather down here and snow at the higher elevations.

I'm going to enjoy the mild temps while they last. With my luck, we'll get the snowiest March ever and I'll be shoveling then, right when I want it to stay warm.


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