Green thoughts

With the improving weather the past week, I've been doing my best to clear out our front-yard gardens of leaves and overgrowth. Our tulips, daffodils and crocuses are beginning to pop through, and today, one even bloomed. I hope the lone flower survives the weekend, when a cold storm is supposed to blow through.

My thoughts will turn to the front lawn, which isn't in great shape. Every spring, I have grand plans to revive the lawn, and by June, my grand plans begin to fizzle. At least whatever clover grows in place of grass on the bare spots will be green. We don't get much rain or humidity in June and July in SLC, and without a sprinkler system, manually getting water on the lawn takes on added (and sometimes forgotten) importance. I'm hoping for the best this spring -- again, grand plans.

The biggest threat to our front flora might be the puppy. Today, I had Popcorn on a 20-foot line tied to the front porch while I worked. I gave her a retriever chew, turned around, and discovered her trying to bury it in the garden. Thankfully, she didn't dig up any emerging flowers.


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