It must be March

The NCAA basketball tournament has begun. It must be March.

I bought the MLB app, with which I can listen to the audio for every Major League Baseball game, including the spring training games. It must be March.

The shoots of our tulips and daffodils are starting to poke through the ground. I've been clearing out dead leaves for a few days now to give them some space. It must be March.

All the snow has melted and temperatures have been at least 60 for a week. Snow is forecast this weekend. It must be March.

I drank my obligatory Shamrock Shake. Actually, it was better this year than in years past, without its mediciney taste; McDonald's is marketing it as a McCafe item instead of a shake. It must be March.

The boys' basketball seasons have ended. Michael's team finished with a flourish, winning its last three games, including the final one in OT (with Michael scoring the winning basket off a rebound). Ben's team played its best game of the season today, and he finally scored his first basket of the season. Soccer and baseball loom. It must be March.

The realization that Michael has less than a few months left as a second grader and, more frighteningly, that Ben is almost done as a kindergartener is becoming very real. It must be March.

The days are getting longer, aided by Daylight Savings Time. I took Popcorn out for a walk this evening while it was still light out. It must be March.

I'm running again and might do a 5K in a couple weeks. It must be March.

Spring is coming. Even with the mild winter, spring will be welcome.

It must be March.


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