Summer, Day 10

Co-op days are always a little crazier, and though I will miss co-oping over the summer, I'm ready for the school year to end to get a break. Today was no exception the crazy expectation after co-oping Ben this morning, trying to get some work done this afternoon, taking the boys to swim practice, then to their baseball game. At least at swim practice, I got to sit by the pool and relax while watching the boys' practice (I even jumped in for a few minutes -- the water was great). Ben struggled a little today; he's suddenly not wanting to swim freestyle (or is forgetting what it's called).

After swim, we picked up a pizza and motored to the baseball game. Propelled by six-run fifth inning, the Twins won 8-4! I was a little nervous that fate wasn't on our side. Michael and his teammate Kyler, the best to hitters on the team, probably have not failed to reach base after hitting the ball in play all season -- until tonight. On consecutive at-bats, Kyler hit a soft liner that was caught and Michael was jammed into a ground out right to the first baseman. But both Twins crushed the ball on their next at-bats, sparking the rally that led to the victory. Michael finished with a single, double and two RBIs. Ben seemed to have lost his swing again (could the lost freestyle and lost swing be related?) and went 0-for-3, but he did great at catcher again -- he really takes it seriously, more so than maybe anyone else on the team.

No co-oping tomorrow, but I'm going to school to help with the kindergarten classes' water day. It should be fun, but I'll be happy when school ends for 2011-2012.


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